• Amorphous metals (BMGs) are ideal for biomedical applications due to their unique amorphous structure, offering excellent corrosion resistance and biocompatibility.
  • They are suitable for medical devices, surgical instruments, and implants due to their high strength, elasticity, and wear resistance.
  • Precision molding of amorphous metals enables cost-effective production of high-performance, high-precision components, surpassing the accuracy of metal injection molding (MIM).
  • These materials provide a lower-cost alternative to machining for manufacturing complex, high-precision metal parts.
Amorphous Metal Attributes
  • High strength
  • Extremely high elasticity
  • Relatively low stiffness (elastic constants)
  • High wear resistance
  • High corrosion resistance
  • Biocompatibility
Potential Applications
  • High performance-high precision parts for medical devices
  • End effectors
  • Surgery devices
  • Gearboxes & actuators for medical devices
  • Orthopedic protheses
  • Implants, Screws